Grey For Now
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York Street Cafe pictures are up!!!!!
Wade has a solo cd that he has just released check Wade and the CD out in the links page...
Be sure to sign the Grey For Now guestbook with any comments, suggestions, or just to say hey!!!
Check Back for upcoming shows on the GFN schedule...

Grey for Now is a couple a weeks away from starting to record their first cd. Right now they continue to write and work on the songs that will be debuted on the cd.

Rick and Wade came together by working at the same retail store, hating their jobs but loving music. Fairly soon after that they began writing what will now be their debut album. Their passion for pop rock has carried them to where they are now. You can catch them around Cincinnati playing their music. More updates on upcoming shows and info on the cd soon. 

Thanks for taking a look at the site. Be sure to get in touch with your thoughts and suggestions. I'll be updating frequently, so please check back often.



Wade and Rick are continuing to write and work on the upcoming cd...

Band Lineup:

Mason: Vocals/Harmonica/Percussion
Wade Thomas: Vocals/Guitar/Piano

Back up Band:
Aaron Thomas: Guitar
E.D. Thomas: